About cBiz
Recruitment Management Software

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cBizSoft was founded in June 1999 by Kris Reddy and Narsimha Reddy. After more than 35 years in the Information Technology world, more than 8 of which have been in Staffing, they recognized that Recruiting Companies would greatly benefit from an application that automates the majority of the tasks needed to effectively market personnel.

The growth and surge of recruiting companies and an ever tightening economy has generated tremendous competition for new market share and customers. With the Philosophy of "everything we do should benefit the customer", cBizSoft developed cBizOne, the application that empowers companies to automate and streamline their core business processes resulting in a stronger bottom line.

Who We Are

Versant Technologies and cBizSoft have partnered to bring cBizSoft's industry-leading recruiting software from the US and make it available to the India market. We offer India-specific software as well as India-based sales and support.

cBizOne has been ranked as one of the top-10 recruiting software applications in the US for 2004, 2005 and 2006 by The Electronic Recruiting Exchange. Versant Technologies and cBizSoft provide Indian companies the same quality software and support in cBizOneIndia that cBizOne customers enjoy Worldwide.

As Indian-owned companies ourselves, we understand and address the unique needs of Indian staffing and consulting firms. cBizOneIndia empowers Indian companies to automate and streamline their core business processes resulting in a stronger bottom line.